Friday 27 July 2012

How To Make Homemade Weed Killer

Although many weeds are just plants out of place, it doesn't make them any less frustrating. Weeds grow in ideal locations such as flower beds and compete with other plants for nutrients.

Spraying harsh chemical weed killers may sound like the only solution to your weed problems, but there are other options for those who would prefer a safer, more natural approach.

(Image: Houzz)

For Small Problem Areas
1. Cut the top off of a large juice bottle or milk jug.
2. Place the cut top around the weed that needs to be taken care of. 
3. Pour a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice over weed. Avoid using this on your lawn, as it could temporarily kill grass.

For Large Problem Areas
1. Fill a watering can with vinegar and a little bit of lemon juice. 
2. Pour over the necessary area and after a day or two you will see amazing results. 
3. If you want to ensure that no other weeds grow in sprinkle table salt over the area afterwards. Be careful where your salt goes and ensure it's not an area you would like to plant in the future as salt will kill everything and make the soil a harsh environment for future plants.

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